Caltrain Debuts New All-Electric Fleet
Caltrain unveiled its new all electric fleet, hosting a tour with elected officials and transportation, business, labor, and community leaders who participated in an inaugural round trip train ride from San Francisco to Millbrae. We supported the $2.4 billion project with over $40 million in half-cent sales tax for transportation and other funds.
District 2 Safety Study
The District 2 Safety Study will address safety challenges and barriers to access on routes to land uses that attract children, seniors, and other vulnerable road users including parks, schools, hospitals, and recreational areas. The study will create a toolkit of safety improvements and guidance for implementation. The funding for this study includes implementation of study recommendations as a combination of quick-build or permanent construction.
Hillcrest Road Improvement Project
This project will upgrade the roadway to modern roadway and seismic standards and provide additional space for pedestrians and bicyclists.
District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study
The District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study will engage the community to identify known mobility challenges and develop near- to long-term strategies to improve transit reliability and safety and shift trips to transit, walking, biking, or other non-driving options.
Geary/19th Ave Subway and Regional Connections Study
The study will focus on the first phase of planning and development.
Learn More About the Potential of a Geary/19th Subway
The San Francisco County Transportation Authority, in coordination with the SFMTA and the San Francisco Planning Department, is studying a potential new rail subway under Geary Boulevard and 19th Avenue, as part of the Geary/19th Avenue Subway and Regional Connections Study.
Walter U Lum Place Public Space Study
This study will examine various scenarios for a people-first Walter U Lum Place in District 3.
I-280 Northbound Geneva Avenue Off-Ramp Study
The primary objective of this study was to address safety issues at the I-280 northbound Geneva off-ramp including vehicle queues extending to the freeway mainline and related collisions. The study also explored ways to improve multimodal safety while maintaining essential transit and pedestrian movements in the area.
Improving Wayfinding Throughout Salesforce Transit Center
Using $300,000 in Prop AA vehicle registration fee funds to support improved wayfinding at the Salesforce Transit Center, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority has replaced 200 media player kiosks throughout the Transit Center. This funding covers one phase of the work to upgrade systems and equipment throughout the Transit Center.
Improving Safety in the Mission and Bernal Heights: Prop L Neighborhood Program Funds Traffic Calming Enhancements
SFMTA and SF Public Works recently completed traffic calming enhancements in the Mission and Bernal Heights neighborhoods in District 9. We supported the design and construction of the traffic calming enhancements with $165,000 in half-cent sales tax funds through the Neighborhood Program.
Caltrain Debuts New All-Electric Fleet
Caltrain unveiled its new all electric fleet, hosting a tour with elected officials and transportation, business, labor, and community leaders who participated in an inaugural round trip train ride from San Francisco to Millbrae. We supported the $2.4 billion project with over $40 million in half-cent sales tax for transportation and other funds.
Unveiling New Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Outer Richmond
We joined District 1 Transportation Authority Board Member Connie Chan, SFMTA, San Francisco Department of Public Works, Walk SF, and local residents to celebrate new rectangular rapid flashing beacons at 38th Avenue and Geary Boulevard.
Transportation Sales Tax Funds New Paratransit Vehicles
28 new paratransit vehicles are in service, replacing older vehicles that reached the end of their useful lives. We supported this effort with over $2.6 million in funding from the half-cent sales tax for transportation.