Proposition AA is a voter-approved $10 annual vehicle registration fee that funds local street repair and reconstruction, pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements, and transit reliability and mobility improvements throughout San Francisco. The Transportation Authority administers the Prop AA program, which is a key part of an overall funding strategy to improve transportation for San Francisco residents.
Prop AA generates nearly $5 million per year and is used to support high-impact transportation projects that provide tangible benefits in the short term.
Learn more about projects funded by Prop AA.
Categories of Transportation Improvements
In November 2010, San Francisco voters approved Proposition AA, an additional $10 annual vehicle registration fee to fund local street repairs and reconstruction, pedestrian safety improvements, and transit reliability and mobility improvements throughout the city. Prop AA generates nearly $5 million per year and is used to fund small but high-impact projects that will provide tangible benefits in the short-term.
Prop AA designated the Transportation Authority as the fund administrator and approved a 30-year Expenditure Plan (PDF) specifying the use of the revenues. Revenue collection began in May 2011. The Prop AA Expenditure Plan is the document that guides the implementation of Prop AA and sets investment priorities. The Expenditure Plan directs the Transportation Authority to develop five-year Strategic Plans to establish policies for the allocation and expenditure of funds, set prioritization criteria, define expectations for project delivery, and program funds for the three programmatic categories within Prop AA over the five-year period.
The Prop AA Strategic Plan identifies the projects that Prop AA revenues will fund. The Strategic Plan is amended when changes to the program of projects are needed for reasons such as modifying project cash flows, programming funds to a different project phase, cancelling projects, and adding new projects. Projects that are not advancing may lose Prop AA funding, and those funds become available through a competitive call to fund new projects.
The first Prop AA Strategic Plan (PDF), adopted in 2012, programmed $26.4 million to eighteen projects.
The 2017 Prop AA Strategic Plan (PDF) identified eleven projects to be funded with Prop AA funds.
The 2022 Prop AA Strategic Plan (PDF) identified fifteen projects to be funded with Prop AA funds.
MyStreetSF Project Map
View all projects funded by Prop AA on the MyStreetSF project map.
Proposition AA Project Summary
Project Status* | Number of Projects | Prop AA Funds Programmed or Allocated | Total Project Cost |
Completed | 31 | $38,348,229 | $162,408,170 |
Underway | 18 | $23,161,234 | $199,421,323 |
Planned | 8 | $13,471,901 | $113,897,320 |
Grand Total | 57 | $74,981,364 | $475,726,813 |
*Project status as of January 2025.
Prop AA Projects
Browse projects supported by the Prop AA Vehicle Registration Fee.

Pedestrians cross the street at Church and 16th Streets. With $1,683,000 from Prop AA funds, the SFMTA completed the Pedestrian Countdown Signal project, enhancing safety for road users at intersections like this.

The Dolores Street Pavement Renovation project, funded by $2,145,023 in Prop AA grants, made multiple improvements along Dolores, including the installation of over fifty curb ramps.

Riders enter the redesigned BART plaza at the 24th Street/Mission Station. The 24th Street/Mission BART Southwest Plaza and Pedestrian Improvements project was made possible by $713,831 in Prop AA funds.

A pedestrian crosses 8th Street. The 8th and Natoma Mid-Block Crossing Signal project that improved pedestrian safety at this intersection was supported by $364,578 in Prop AA funds.
Cyclists enjoy the new bicycle lanes installed in the Presidio through the Arguello Pedestrian Gap Closure project. Prop AA funds of $350,000 supported the construction of these bicycle lanes and other improvements.

Nearly $3,000,000 in Prop AA funds were used for the Mansell Corridor Improvement Projects, which addressed pedestrian and bicyclist safety through McLaren Park.
Multimodal commuters make use of the new Civic Center BART/Muni bicycle station. BART used $248,000 in Prop AA funds to complete this project.

With $891,000 in Prop AA funds, the SFMTA undertook the City College Pedestrian Connector project. These improvements, including the pictured stairs, created a more direct pedestrian connector between City College and Muni stops at the Phelan Loop and K-Ingleside line.
Sponsor Resources
Prop AA generates nearly $5 million per year and is intended to fund small, high-impact projects that provide tangible benefits to the public in the short term and fall into one of the following three programmatic categories: Street Repair and Reconstruction; Pedestrian Safety; and Transit Reliability and Mobility Improvements. The Prop AA Expenditure Plan establishes that revenues can only be used to fund design (not planning or environmental studies) and construction (including procurement).
The Transportation Authority prepares a 5-year Strategic Plan to determine which projects receive funds. Only public agencies are eligible to apply for Prop AA funds. Public agencies may include, but are not limited to, federal, state, and local agencies and transit operators. The project sponsor is the agency that administers the project.
The Prop AA Expenditure Plan was developed with the following guiding principles:
- Provide a documentable benefit or relationship to those paying the fee
- Limit the Expenditure Plan to a few programmatic categories, given the relatively small revenue stream
- Focus on small, but high-impact projects that will provide tangible benefits in the short term
- Provide a fair geographic distribution that takes into account the various needs of San Francisco's neighborhoods
- Ensure accountability and transparency in programming and delivery
Current Programming
View Project Lists for All 5YPPs (Google Sheet) (Current)
2022 Strategic Plan Project Programming and Cash Flow (PDF) (Approved April 26, 2022)
2022 Strategic Plan Policies (PDF) (Adopted October 26, 2021)
Reports, Tools, and Guides
We accept Prop L and Prop AA allocation requests through our online grant administration website.
SFCTA Allocation Request Calendar (PDF)
Standard Grant Agreement Sample (PDF) (Updated July 26, 2023)
Portal Guide for Sponsors (PDF) for quarterly progress reports, amendment requests, and closeout/de-obligation requests.
Contact Us
2022 Strategic Plan
2022 Strategic Plan (PDF) (Adopted April 26, 2022)
2022 Strategic Plan Policies (PDF) (Adopted October 26, 2021)
2022 Strategic Plan Screening and Prioritization Criteria (PDF) (Adopted October 26, 2021)
2022 Strategic Plan Project Programming (PDF) (Approved April 26, 2022)
2017 Strategic Plan
2017 Strategic Plan (PDF) (Adopted June 16, 2017) (Amended June 23, 2020)
2017 Strategic Plan Policies (PDF) (Adopted October 25, 2016)
2017 Strategic Plan Screening and Prioritization Criteria (PDF) (Adopted March 19, 2019)
Amended 2017 Strategic Plan Project Programming and Cash Flow
2017 Strategic Plan Project Programming (PDF) (Approved September 22, 2020)
Background Information
2012 Prop AA Strategic Plan (PDF)
Expenditure Plan (PDF) (Adopted July 15, 2010)
Resolution 11-10 (PDF), which placed the measure on the ballot
Senate Bill No. 83 (PDF), the legislation that enabled Prop AA
Ballot Text from the November 2010 Election (PDF)
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Prop AA 2022 Strategic Plan Call For Projects
Call for Projects is closed: Applications were due January 18, 2022
The Transportation Authority is pleased to announce a call for projects for an estimated $23 million in Proposition AA (Prop AA) vehicle registration fee revenues for the 5-year period of Fiscal Years 2022/23 to 2026/27. Prop AA revenues come from a $10 fee on motor vehicles registered in San Francisco. Revenues are used to fund transportation improvements in three programmatic categories: Street Repair and Reconstruction, Pedestrian Safety, and Transit Reliability & Mobility Improvements.
For this call for projects, the estimated amount of funds available in each category is detailed in the table below. Projects must be ready to commence the design and/or construction phase in the Fiscal Year that funds are requested.
Prop AA Funds Available by Category (Fiscal Years 2022/23 – 2026/27) | |
Street Repair and Reconstruction | $ 11,802,860 |
Pedestrian Safety | $ 5,423,915 |
Transit Reliability and Mobility Improvements | $ 5,741,270 |
Total Funds Available | $ 22,968,044 |
Who is Eligible for Funds?
Only public agencies are eligible to apply for Prop AA funds. Public agencies may include, but are not limited to, federal, state, and local agencies and transit operators. The project sponsor is the agency that will administer the project.
Types of Projects that Are Eligible
Prop AA is intended to fund small, high-impact projects that provide tangible benefits to the public in the near-term and fall into one of the following three programmatic categories: Street Repair and Reconstruction; Pedestrian Safety; and Transit Reliability and Mobility Improvements. The Prop AA Expenditure Plan establishes that revenues can only be used to fund design (not planning or environmental studies) and construction (including procurement).
Available Funding
This call will program a total of approximately $22,968,044 in Prop AA funds, with an anticipated $4,592,347 in new revenue for each of the five fiscal years 2022/23 through 2026/27, plus a small amount of funds from interest and completed projects.
There is no minimum grant amount nor is there a maximum grant amount beyond that which fits within the funds available. Though no local match is required, the adopted Prop AA Strategic Plan policies (PDF) specify that priority shall be given to projects that can demonstrate leveraging of Prop AA funds.
Project Selection
Projects are required to meet all screening criteria in order to be considered for Prop AA funding. The screening criteria (PDF) are focused on meeting the eligibility requirements for Prop AA funds and include the following factors:
- Project sponsor is an eligible public agency per the Prop AA Expenditure Plan guidelines.
- Project is eligible for funding from one or more of Prop AA’s three programmatic categories.
- Project is seeking Prop AA funds for design or construction (including procurement) phases only.
- Project is consistent with the regional transportation plan.
- Project is consistent with agency adopted plans, existing and planned land uses, adopted standards for urban design and the provision of pedestrian amenities, and planned growth in transit friendly housing, employment, and services
Projects that meet all of the Prop AA screening criteria will then be prioritized for Prop AA funding based on, but not limited to, the general and programmatic category prioritization criteria (PDF). In general, the more criteria that a project satisfies and the better it meets them, the higher the project will be ranked.
- November 9, 2021: Transportation Authority Releases Prop AA Call for Projects
- November 19, 2021: Pre-Application Virtual Workshop, 10:00 a.m. (Zoom meeting link)
- January 18, 2022 by 5:00 p.m.: Prop AA Applications Due to the Transportation Authority
- February, 2022: Community Advisory Committee Meeting – ACTION
- April, 2022: Transportation Authority Board Meeting – PRELIMINARY ACTION
- April, 2022: Transportation Authority Board Meeting – FINAL ACTION
Please check the Transportation Authority’s website for the most up-to-date schedule.
Application Guidance and Materials
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Submit applications to propAA@sfcta.org.
Prop AA Call for Projects Guidance (memo with attachments) (PDF)
Prop AA Vehicle Registration Fee – Summary (PDF)
Prop AA Strategic Plan Policies (Adopted October 26, 2021) (PDF)
Prop AA Strategic Plan Screening and Prioritization Criteria (Adopted October 26, 2021) (PDF)
Prop AA Project Information Form (application) (Excel)
Equity Priority Communities Map (PDF). See also SFCTA Equity Priority Communities webpage.