Call for Projects: Transportation Authority

Call for Projects: Transportation Authority 

There are no Transportation Authority Calls for Projects currently open.

Call for Projects: Other Funding Opportunities

Call for Projects: Other Funding Opportunities

SB1 Solutions for Congested Corridors Program

Application deadline: November 19, 2024

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has announced a call for projects for up to $500 million over FY25/26 and FY 26/27 ($250 million annually) for the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP), a statewide, competitive program that provides funding to achieve a balanced set of transportation, environmental, and community access improvements to reduce congestion throughout the state. The program was created by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1). Eligible projects must address multimodal options and should focus on safety, congestion, accessibility, economic development, land use and air quality. Funding can only be used for the construction phase of a capital project. No local match is required but demonstrating an ability to leverage federal funds is beneficial. For the Bay Area, only the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, SFCTA, or Caltrans may nominate projects for funding.   

Local Partnership Program

Application deadline: November 20, 2024

CTC has released guidelines and the Call for Projects for the SB 1 LPP Competitive funding program. This cycle, there is $144 million in new revenues available through the competitive LPP program covering Fiscal Years 2025/26 and 2026/27 and potentially approximately $50 million in additional unprogrammed funds from previous cycles. Applications are due to CTC by November 20, 2024 and must be submitted by a taxing or tolling authority, so either the Transportation Authority or the City and County of San Francisco. SFPW and SFMTA are both submitting a project, and the City and County of San Francisco will be applying on their behalf with the support of SFCTA. 

Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program

Application deadline: November 21, 2024

The Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant program (Community Change Grants), created by the Inflation Reduction Act, offers an unprecedented $2 billion in grants under this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The Community Change Grants will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation. This historic level of support will enable communities and their partners to overcome longstanding environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come. There will be two tracks of funding under this opportunity. Track I will fund approximately 150 large, transformational community-driven investment grants of $10 million - $20 million. Track II will fund approximately 20 meaningful engagement grants of $1 million - $3 million. Grants cannot exceed 3 years in duration.

Trade Corridor Enhancement Program

Application deadline: November 22, 2024

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has announced a call for projects for up to $900 million over FY25/26 and FY 26/27: $320 million in National Highway Freight Program Funds and $123 million in Trade Corridor Enhancement Programming for the Bay Area/Central Valley region. The objective of the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program is to fund freight infrastructure improvements on federally designated Trade Corridors of National and Regional Significance, on California’s portion of the National Highway Freight Network, as identified in the California Freight Mobility Plan, and along other corridors that have a high volume of freight movement as determined by the Commission. Projects eligible for funding under the program include, but are not limited to, the following: Highway improvements, freight rail system improvements, border improvements, port enhancements, truck corridor improvements, surface transportation, local road, and connector road improvements to effectively facilitate the movement of goods, freight infrastructure (excluding vehicles) that enables zero-emission or near-zero emission goods movement, environmental/community mitigation that occurs as a part of a freight infrastructure (including zero-emission vehicles if they are part of an approved CEQA mitigation for a larger freight infrastructure project), and freight infrastructure related advanced technology. Advanced technology includes the installation of broadband (conduit and fiber) where appropriate and feasible along strategic corridors. Purchases of human-operated zero-emission or near-zero emission equipment are eligible for funding if they are part of an infrastructure project. Projects funded from the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program will require at least a 30% match of private, local, federal, or state funds. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount. Eligible applicants are public entities, such as cities, counties, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Transportation Planning Agencies, port authorities, public construction authorities, and Caltrans. 

Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Planning and Implementation Grant

Application deadline: November 22, 2024

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has announced a call for projects for $20 million for local planning and policy development to advance MTC’s Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy. Grants will support all four components of the TOC Policy to help achieve these goals: (1) Increasing residential and commercial densities around station areas; (2) Adopting housing policies from the 3Ps framework (production, preservation and protection); (3) Adjusting minimum and maximum parking ratios as well as transportation demand management policies; and (4) Planning for station access that includes active transportation uses and mobility hub infrastructure. Eligible applicants include Bay Area cities, counties, transit agencies and county transportation agencies with at least one TOC area are eligible to submit project proposals to one or more of the four components above. Grants are for planning and implementation projects only.

Low Carbon Transportation Materials Program

Application deadline: September 23, 2024

The Federal Highway Administration and Department of Transportation have announced $800,000,000 in funding to reimburse the incrementally higher costs of using or provide an incentive amount to eligible recipients for the use, in projects, of construction materials and products that have substantially lower levels of embodied GHG emissions, as described by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), associated with all relevant stages of production, use, and disposal as compared to estimated industry averages of similar materials or products, hereafter referred to as low carbon transportation materials. Eligible projects include identification frameworks for eligible materials, work needed to determine their appropriateness for use on eligible projects, and the use of low carbon transportation materials on eligible construction projects. There are no minimum of maximum amounts for awards. There are no fund matching requirements for awards. Eligible applicants include local governments, political subdivisions of a state, U.S. territories, MPOs, or a special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function.

Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program

Application deadline: December 16, 2024

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Department of Transportation announced the availability of up to $1,057,596,637 over Fiscal Year 2024 in competitive grant funds for intercity passenger rail service. Eligible projects include: (1) A project to replace, rehabilitate, or repair infrastructure, equipment, or a facility used for providing intercity passenger rail service to bring such assets into a State of Good Repair; (2) A project to improve intercity passenger rail service performance, including reduced trip times, increased train frequencies, higher operating speeds, improved reliability, expanded capacity, reduced congestion, electrification, and other improvements, as determined by the Secretary; (3) A project to expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service; (4) A group of related projects described in paragraphs (1) through (3); and (5) The planning, environmental studies, and final design for a project or group of projects described in paragraphs (1) through (4). There are no predetermined minimum or maximum dollar thresholds for awards. The federal share is up to 80 percent of the project cost, requiring a 20% local match. Eligible applicants include states; groups of states; interstate compacts; public agencies or publicly chartered authorities established by one or more states; political subdivisions of a state; Amtrak; and federally recognized Indian Tribes.

Climate Program Implementation Grants

Application deadline: October 14, 2024

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has announced a call for projects for $40 million for capital projects that help implement MTC’s Climate Program strategies identified in Plan Bay Area 2050 and achieve the region’s 19% greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction target, as well as advance MTC’s Active Transportation strategies to build a complete streets network. There are four grant programs available: (1) The Regional Mobility Hubs Program seeks to create customer-friendly community spaces that provide clear information and easy last-mile connections to public transit, shared mobility and active transportation. $15 million is available with an award minimum of $500,000 and a maximum of $5,000,000. (2) The Local Parking Management Grant Program furthers sustainable parking and curb management approaches that increase affordable and safe access to destinations and balance parking and curb uses. $3 million is available with an award minimum of $500,000 and a maximum of $1,500,000. (3) The Charging Infrastructure Program is seeking projects for the acquisition and installation of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles and/or electric mobility devices. $20 million is available with an award minimum of $300,000 and a maximum of $5,000,000. (4) The Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance program awards technical assistance to conceptual projects that incorporate All Ages and Abilities design principles, advancing design to the point that they are ready to move to construction. $2 million is available with an award minimum of $100,000 and a maximum of $300,000. Projects funded in the first three grant programs will require an 11.47% match of local funds. Eligible applicants include Bay Area cities, counties, transit agencies, and county transportation agencies. 

Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art Initiative Grant

Application deadline: January 31, 2025

Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art Initiative Grant: Bloomberg Philanthropies has announced an opportunity for cities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States with populations of 50,000 or more to apply for Asphalt Art Initiative grants up to $100,000 USD to help improve street safety, activate public spaces, and engage community residents. The Asphalt Art Initiative grant program supports projects that demonstrate the impact of asphalt art and encourages cities to develop their own processes for implementing these low-cost activations effectively. The Asphalt Art Initiative grant program is designed to fund visual art on roadways, pedestrian spaces, and public infrastructure in cities with the following primary goals: 1) Improving street and pedestrian safety, 2) Revitalizing and activating underutilized public space, and 3) Promoting collaboration and civic engagement in local communities. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. Winning cities are expected to be announced in spring 2025 for projects installing in 2025-26.

Bridge Investment Program

Application deadline: August 1, 2025

Bridge Investment Program: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced the availability of up to $9.62 billion in Large Bridge Project competitive grant funding for FYs 2023-2026 of the Bridge Investment Program (BIP). The program focuses on existing bridges to reduce the overall number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition at risk of falling into poor condition. Eligible projects must have already completed preliminary engineering. Eligible applicants include a state or a group of states; a metropolitan planning organization; a unit of local government or a group of local governments; a political subdivision of a state or local government; a special purpose district or a public authority with a transportation function. The minimum grant award is $50 million and the maximum award is 50 percent of the total eligible project costs up to $3 billion. 

Bay Area Vanpool Program

Application period: Continuous

MTC’s recently established Bay Area Vanpool Program is offering direct subsidies to new and existing vanpools, thanks to an infusion of over $9.5 million approved by MTC in July of 2018 for the next five years. Qualifying vanpools that rent their vehicles through Enterprise (the preferred vendor for the Vanpool Program) are eligible for a $350/month subsidy. Vanpoolers can pay for their remaining vanpool costs with pretax dollars, further reducing the cost of their shared commute.

Learn how to join a vanpool, start a new one, or see if your existing vanpool qualifies for the subsidy.
Learn how vanpool groups can apply for subsidies.

Carl Moyer Program

Application Period: Continuous

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has up to $10 million available for the Carl Moyer Program. This program funds equipment or vehicle replacement, engine replacement, power system conversion, and battery charging or fueling infrastructure. It aims to reduce emissions in the communities most impacted by air pollution. Eligible equipment includes:

  • Trucks and Buses
  • Public School Buses
  • Off-road Equipment
  • Agricultural Equipment
  • Marine Vessels and Equipment
  • Locomotives

Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Maximum funding amounts depend on the type of project. Projects required by law or contract are ineligible. Public or private entities that will operate the equipment within the Bay Area may apply. New project types and increased grant amounts are available for the purchase of hybrid, zero- and near-zero-emissions equipment, and for fueling and charging infrastructure as part of alternative-fuel or battery-electric project types.

Community Health Protection Grant Program

Application Period: Continuous

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has up to $40 million available for the Community Health Protection Grant Program, which follows the same guidelines as the Carl Moyer program, with a few caveats, including those projects must be in eligible areas, such as “Eastern San Francisco”. Please see the information for the Carl Moyer Program above, as well as the Air District Community Health Protection Grant Program website for additional information.

Expedited Project Delivery Pilot Program

Application Period: Applications accepted on a rolling basis

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has announced $100 million available for the Expedited Project Delivery (EPD) Pilot Program. The program aims to streamline project delivery of new transit infrastructure and encourages innovative partnerships. State and local government authorities may apply. Eligible projects include fixed guideway capital projects, small start projects, or core capacity improvement projects that have not entered into a full funding grant agreement with FTA. Projects under this program must include public-private partnerships, be operated and maintained by employees of an existing public transportation provider, and have a federal share not exceeding 25 percent of the project cost. 

FTA intends to award up to eight grants under this announcement, subject to funding availability. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified whether their application was approved within 120 days of submittal.

Hybrid Voucher Incentive Program

Application Period: Continuous

The California Air Resources Board's (CARB) Hybrid Voucher Incentive Program (HVIP), provides vouchers to California purchasers and lessees of eligible zero-emission, hybrid and low NOx medium and heavy-duty trucks and buses. The program is meant to accelerate the adoption of clean vehicle technology. Voucher amounts range between $45,000 and $150,000, depending on the vehicle's weight. Increased voucher amounts are available for transit buses and vehicles that provide service in disadvantaged communities. Any purchaser of an eligible vehicle may apply for funding, with a limit of 200 vouchers per fleet. Vouchers are applied at the point of sale. A total of approximately $1.7 billion is available. The funding allocation is broken down into multiple categories:

  • HVIP Standard: $265 million
  • Zero-Emission Public Transit Buses: $70 million
  • Zero-Emission Public School Buses: $135 million
  • Zero-Emission Drayage Trucks: $157 million
  • Innovative Small E-Fleets: $35 million
  • Local Education Agency School Bus Replacement Grants: $1.125 billion, to be awarded in $225 million increments between FY 23/24 and FY 27/28.

Volkswagen Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust — Zero-Emission Class 8 Freight and Port Drayage Trucks Category

Application Period: Continuous

On August 18, 2020, the Volkswagen Settlement Environmental Mitigation Trust released the first solicitation for freight and port drayage truck projects. $27 million is available on a first-come, first-served basis to fund the replacement of Class 8 freight trucks (including drayage trucks), waste haulers, dump trucks, and concrete mixers with zero emission technologies. Both public and private entities that own and operate eligible vehicles may apply. The program will fund up to 100% of project cost for government owned equipment and up to 75% of cost for non-government owned equipment. Per piece of equipment, maximum funding is $200,000. 

The program is currently oversubscribed. Applications will continue to be accepted in order to generate a back-up list of applications. Projects placed on the back-up list will only be considered if returned or additional funds become available.

Volkswagen Mitigation Trust — Zero-Emission Transit, School, and Shuttle Bus Program

Application Period: Continuous

The Volkswagen (VW) Mitigation Trust was established as part of a settlement with Volkswagen for using illegal emission testing defeat devices in certain VW vehicles, resulting in excess NOx emissions. $130 million in first come, first served funding is available to replace high-polluting transit and shuttle buses with new battery-electric or fuel-cell buses.  There is no longer funding available for school buses.  Government and non-government vehicle owners as well as agencies that lease or rent applicable buses to third parties are eligible to apply.  The old bus to be replaced must have a fuel type of gasoline, diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG); an internal combustion engine; and an engine model year of 2009 or older.  The maximum funding per entity is capped at $3,250,000 and the maximum funding level for each vehicle varies based on the bus and fuel types, ranging from $160,000 to $400,000 per vehicle.  Matching funds are required for all non-government owned purchases (at least 25 percent).

Additional Resources

View Caltrans' 2021 Guide to Transportation Funding in California (PDF) for an overview of transportation funding sources and apportionments.

View Caltrans' Division of Local Assistance June 2022 Transportation Funding Opportunities Guidebook (PDF) for information about state and federal funds available for local public agency projects.

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has created a list of programs that may fund active transportation projects and elements, to serve as a resource for cities, counties and agencies looking to fund valuable active transportation projects in their communities.


For more information or assistance with Prop L or other federal, state, or regional funding opportunities, contact Anna LaForte, Deputy Director for Policy & Programming

Federal Aid Project Delivery


This is a resource page for sponsor agencies who currently or potentially may use federal funds to implement their transportation projects in San Francisco, focusing on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds.

Funding Opportunities

Project Delivery Policies and Status Update Reports

Federal funds come with strict timely-use-of-funds requirements, especially on the obligation and reimbursement, at various levels⁠—federal, state, and regional. It is critical for sponsors to adhere to the requirements to avoid risk of losing funds.

Caltrans Programs and Procedures References

Caltrans, with its delegated authority from FHWA, develops procedures for and conducts review of a majority of FHWA-funded projects. Also see Caltrans District 4 page and the Training Resources section (below) for materials from past training.

  • Local Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPG) provides a description of federal and state programs, including:
    • Introduction/Overview: Ch 1 Introduction/Overview (PDF); Ch 2 Financing the Federal-Aid Highway Program (PDF); Ch 3 Federal-Aid Routes & Functional Classifications
    • Most commonly used funding programs: Ch 4 Surface Transportation Program (STP); Ch 5 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ); Ch 9 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
  • Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) describes procedures and documents required to use federal and state funds. This link gives a compilation of "packages" required by phase.
    • Introduction/Overview: Ch 1 Introduction/Overview; Ch 2 Roles/Responsibilities
    • Authorization/Agreement/Invoicing: Ch 3 Project Authorization; Ch 4 Agreements; Ch 5 Invoicing
    • Environmental: Ch 6 Environmental Procedures
    • Preliminary Engineering: Ch 7 Field Review; Ch 8 Public Hearings; Ch 9 Civil Rights and DBEs; Ch 10 Consultant Selection; Ch 11 Design Standards; Ch 12 PS&E
    • ROW/Utility Coordination: Ch 13 ROW; Ch 14 Utility Relocations
    • Construction: Ch 15 Advertise and Award; Ch 16 Administer Contracts
    • Completion (and after): Ch 17 Project Completion; Ch 18 Maintenance; Ch 19 Oversight and Process Reviews; Ch 20 Audits and Corrective Actions
    • LAPM forms in word documents
  • Updates

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Transportation projects that receive federal funds, are subject to a federally required action, or have a regionally significant air quality impact must be included in the TIP. 

2023 TIP update 

Non-exempt project [update to reflect Plan Bay Area 2050]
Primer & latest schedule
  • MTC TIP page, including MTC Guide to TIP and TIP revision schedule and status (2023 TIP)
  • MTC Fund Management System (FMS, online database for TIP)
  • FMS Funding Report page, which generates reports showing obligation status by funding program by county
  • Air Quality (AQ) PM 2.5 ("fine particulate matter") Conformity Requirement: MTC, with the help of project sponsors, must conduct a project-level hot spot analysis for "projects of air quality concern."
    • MTC memo (PDF) on quantitative analysis requirement (12-12-11)
    • MTC instruction (PDF) to submit AQ PM 2.5 info (03-08-12, as part of the 2013 TIP Update)

Other Federal and State Agency Resources

Training Resources



Nick Smith, Senior Transportation Planner