The project reconstructed the I-80 eastbound off-ramp to Yerba Buena Island. The project features an innovative design that enhances safety and circulation. The project was completed in 2023 and reopened to traffic.
The study will consider managed lane alternatives, including priced lane and priced facility options, for freeways within San Francisco (Central Freeway, I-80, U.S. 101, I-280) with the goals of reducing vehicle miles traveled, increasing person throughput, and improving transit reliability.
The District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study will engage the community to identify known mobility challenges and develop near- to long-term strategies to improve transit reliability and safety and shift trips to transit, walking, biking, or other non-driving options.
This project will upgrade the roadway to modern roadway and seismic standards and provide additional space for pedestrians and bicyclists.
The primary objective of this study was to address safety issues at the I-280 northbound Geneva off-ramp including vehicle queues extending to the freeway mainline and related collisions. The study also explored ways to improve multimodal safety while maintaining essential transit and pedestrian movements in the area.
The Vision Zero Freeway Ramps Study will identify improvements for 11 freeway ramps across District 7, District 9, District 10, and District 11 to improve safety and connectivity.
The project will develop transportation and land use concept designs that rethink the urban renewal-era Geary Expressway and advance a high-quality multimodal, mixed-use transit-oriented area to connect the Japantown and Fillmore/Western Addition neighborhoods and promote community livability.
The Transportation Authority is creating a School Access Plan for San Francisco to recommend transportation solutions for K-5 students and their families.
The Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency launched an autonomous shuttle service on Treasure Island from August to December 2023 to better understand how such a service could meet the needs of people traveling around the neighborhood.
The Jane Warner Plaza Renovation Project will focus on improvements to pedestrian and bicycle safety in this busy multi-modal node.
The Transportation Authority developed the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan to prioritize and identify funding for transportation improvements for the Ocean Avenue corridor.
The Downtown Extension is a plan to extend Caltrain and future California High-Speed Rail service from 4th and King rail yard to the newly-constructed Salesforce Transit Center.
This project will provide protected bicycle and pedestrian pathways that run along Hillcrest Road and Treasure Island Road.
The San Francisco County Transportation Authority has released its “Transportation Capital Projects Delivery Study,” commissioned by Chair Rafael Mandelman and prior Vice-Chair Aaron Peskin to examine ways to improve delivery of large scale, complex transportation projects in San Francisco.
Upper Market has complex, 6-way intersections and is on San Francisco’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network. Through the Upper Market Street Safety Project, SFMTA will install sidewalk and roadway improvements to make Upper Market safer and more comfortable for people walking, biking, driving, and accessing transit.