Legislative Chamber, Room 250, City Hall

Commissioners: Mandelman (Chair), Melgar (Vice Chair), Chan, Dorsey, Engardio, Peskin, Preston, Ronen, Safai, Stefani, and Walton.

Clerk of the Board: Elijah Saunders 

Ways to Watch: SF Cable Channel 26 or 99 (depending on your provider)  OR  www.sfgovtv.org 

Click here to watch recordings of past meetings on SFGovTV

PUBLIC COMMENT CALL-IN: 1 (415) 655-0001; Access Code: 2483 847 5803 # #

To make public comment on an item via the public comment call-in line, when the item is called, dial ‘*3’ to be added to the queue to speak. Do not press *3 again or you will be removed from the queue. When the system says your line is unmuted, the live operator will advise that you will be allowed 2 minutes to speak. When your 2 minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. Calls will be taken in the order in which they are received.

Remote Participation

Members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location listed above or may watch SF Cable Channel 26 or 99 (depending on your provider) or may visit the SFGovTV website (www.sfgovtv.org) to stream the live meeting or may watch them on demand.

Members of the public may comment on the meeting during public comment periods in person or remotely. In-person public comment will be taken first; remote public comment will be taken after.

Written public comment may be submitted prior to the meeting by emailing the Clerk of the Transportation Authority at clerk@sfcta.org or sending written comments to Clerk of the Transportation Authority, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. Written comments received by 5 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be distributed to Board members before the meting begins.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Chair's Report - INFORMATION
  3. Executive Director's Report - INFORMATION
  4. Approve the Minutes of the March 21, 2023 Meeting - ACTION*

Consent Agenda

  1. [Final Approval] Adopt the Recommendations of the Caltrain 22nd Street Station ADA Access Improvement Feasibility Study for the Preferred Improvements to Achieve Street to Platform Accessibility — ACTION*
  2. [Final Approval] Allocate $16,406,910 and Appropriate $687,236 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, and Allocate $2,882,492 in Prop AA Funds for 23 Requests — ACTION*
    Projects: Prop K. Caltrain: (PCJPB): 22nd St Station ADA Access Improvements ($447,198), Revenue Vehicle Rehabilitation ($22,195), Systemwide Track Rehabilitation ($720,030). Multi-Sponsor: District 2 Safety Study and Implementation [NTIP Planning and Capital] (SFCTA $159,350, SFMTA $540,650), Mission Bay School Access Study [NTIP Planning and Capital] (SFCTA $121,885, SFMTA $197,422). SFCTA: Transportation Demand Management Market Analysis ($406,000). SFMTA: Kirkland Yard Electrification ($1,073,196), 38th and Geary Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons [NTIP Capital] ($212,000), Clay & Grant, Stockton & Sutter Conduits & Signal Modifications – Additional Funds ($240,000), Vision Zero Sign Upgrade ($220,000), Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan Implementation ($2,767,500), District 6 Traffic Calming & Sideshow Deterrence [NTIP Capital] ($360,000), Visitacion Valley and Portola CBTP Implementation [NTIP Capital] ($435,000), District 7 Ocean Ave Safety & Bike Access [NTIP Capital] ($237,000), Lake Merced Quick Build – Additional Funds ($1,385,352), Next Generation Sanchez Slow Street [NTIP Capital] ($277,300), Ortega Street Improvements [NTIP Capital] ($330,000), Safe Streets Evaluation Program ($398,000), Valencia Long-Term Bikeway Study [NTIP Planning] ($210,000). SFPW: Sunset Blvd Pavement Renovation ($3,100,000), Curb Ramps: Various Locations ($2,136,651), Curb Ramps: Sacramento and Sansome ($1,097,416). Prop AA. SFPW Hunters Point, Central Waterfront, and Potrero Hill Area Streets Pavement Renovation ($2,882,492).
  3. Item #7 - ACTION*
    [Final Approval] Allocate $10,000,000 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for Downtown Rail Extension Engineering Development and Procurement Preparation and Appropriate $3,500,000, with Conditions, for Downtown Rail Extension Rail Program Oversight and Technical Tasks for Engineering and Procurement and $2,500,000 for Pennsylvania Avenue Extension Pre-Environmental Bridging Study — ACTION*

    Projects: SFCTA: Downtown Rail Program Oversight and Technical Tasks for Engineering and Procurement ($3,500,000), Pennsylvania Avenue Pre-Environmental Bridging Study ($2,500,000). TJPA: Downtown Rail Extension Engineering Development and Procurement Preparation ($10,000,000).
  4. Item #8 - ACTION*
    [Final Approval] Award a Construction Contract to Golden State Bridge/Obayashi Joint Venture, in an Amount not to Exceed $84,399,951 and Authorize an Additional Construction Allotment of $15,188,818; Approve a Contract Amendment with WMH Corporation in the Amount of $2,678,000; Approve a Contract Amendment with WSP USA, Inc. in the Amount of $5,940,382; and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute All Other Related Supporting and Supplemental Agreements for the Westside Bridges Seismic Retrofit Project - ACTION*

End of Consent Agenda

  1. Bay Area Express Lanes Update — INFORMATION*
    Informational update regarding Express Lanes in the Bay Area, including an overview and status of San Francisco projects (101/280 Managed Lanes) and presentations from Caltrans (State Roadway Pricing Working Group), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Express Lanes Strategic Plan, Express Lane START equity program), and San Mateo Joint Powers Authority (101 Express Lanes and Equity Program).

Other Items

  1. Introduction of New Business — INFORMATION
    During this segment of the meeting, Commissioners may make comments on items not specifically listed above or introduce or request items for future consideration.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Adjournment