drawing of sf transportation future

San Francisco’s streets and freeways connect our neighborhoods, support our economy, and provide a place to gather. 

Street space in San Francisco is limited. The City needs to manage this valuable public resource to support our vision for San Francisco as a growing, diverse, equitable city with sustainable mobility options that are accessible and affordable to all. Freeways and major arterials divide many of our communities, contribute to poor air quality, and create safety challenges, especially for people walking and bicycling.

To meet these challenges, the Transportation Authority and ConnectSF have identified five strategies to move us closer to our vision:

  1. Maintain and reinvest in the current transportation system,
  2. Prioritize transit and carpooling on our streets and freeways,
  3. Build a complete network for walking and biking,
  4. Prioritize safety in all investments and through targeted programs, and
  5. Repair harms and reconnect communities.

We want your feedback on the strategies

ConnectSF is a multi-agency collaborative process to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for San Francisco’s future. 

The Streets and Freeways Strategy, along with the Transit Investment Strategy, will be integrated into the San Francisco Transportation Plan, San Francisco’s long-range investment and policy blueprint.

More information

Streets and Freeways Presentation to Transportation Authority Board (PDF)


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Updated every four years, the San Francisco Transportation Plan is the blueprint for the city's transportation system development and investment over the next 30 years.

ConnectSF is a multi-agency collaborative process to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for San Francisco’s future.