People cross Brotherhood Way in a crosswalk near a bus shelter while car traffic waits. A Muni bus can be seen in the background.

The Transportation Authority is exploring ways to help improve safety, circulation, and connectivity for people walking, driving, and biking through the Brotherhood Way and Alemany Boulevard corridors and on nearby streets as part of the Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan.

The study is a recommendation from the ConnectSF Streets and Freeways Strategy, the city’s multi-agency long-term planning effort to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system. 

Supported by Board members Myrna Melgar and Ahsha Safai, the study is funded by a state Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning Grant as well as the Transportation Authority’s half-cent sales tax for transportation funds. The goals of the effort are to prioritize safety, reconnect communities that are divided by freeways and large roads, and build a more complete network for walking and biking in this area.

The study team has been examining existing conditions to identify transportation needs and improvement opportunities  and is now looking for community input. 

Members of the public are invited to participate in our first round of public outreach with a series of community engagement events to help planners understand key transportation and access challenges near Brotherhood Way, and identify potential solutions.

Please join us at any of the following events to learn more about the project, ask questions, and  share your experience moving around the neighborhood.

  • Take the survey to give your feedback (survey closes December 26):  
  • Virtual Town Hall Meeting
  • Neighborhood Walk - Join us on a group walking tour to share your ideas and opinions for the Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan.
    • Date: Saturday, December 16
    • Time: 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    • Register here

Sign up for the Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan email list to learn more about the study and get notified about engagement opportunities. 

A second round of community engagement will begin in spring 2024 to share proposed solutions and improvement concepts for community consideration and feedback.