Photo: SFMTA Photography Department
The Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan brought local residents, community organizations, and transportation agencies together to address the neighborhood’s transportation challenges.
The project team partnered with community-based organization Mo’MAGIC to collaborate directly with community members to identify transportation challenges and solutions. The project team incorporated community input in the development of streetscape recommendations throughout the neighborhood.
Summary of Recommendations
Near-term: Quick and effective pedestrian safety improvements, such as giving pedestrians a head start when crossing the street, were proposed for 41 community-identified and high-injury intersections to improve pedestrian safety.
Medium-term: The plan proposed corridor design enhancement projects on Golden Gate and Turk. Signal enhancements like pedestrian countdown signals and flashing lights for pedestrians were proposed for community identified intersections. The proposed Fillmore Connections Project will add pedestrian improvements near Raymond Kimbell Playground.
Long-term: Proposed long-term and large capital projects will improve safety and access to neighborhood recreation like the Buchanan Street Mall. The plan also proposed a Walkable Western Addition initiative to improve pedestrian lighting to address crime and safely connect residents to transit, specifically Owl service. The Transportation Authority programmed approximately $900,000 in the 2017 Prop AA Strategic Plan to implement pedestrian lighting recommended in the plan.
Project/Study Partners
Mo’MAGIC Community-based Organization
Western Addition Community members
Cost & Funding
This project was funded through the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Community Based Transportation Planning Grant Program.
Final Report: Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan, 2017 (PDF)