An N Judah streetcar crosses 9th Avenue at Irving in moderate traffic.

Photo by SFMTA Photography Department


The Inner Sunset Transportation Study will identify a prioritized short list of recommendations to improve multimodal traffic safety and access in the Inner Sunset commercial area in District 7. 

The recommendations will fall into three types: 

  • Quick-to-implement safety or access improvements that need only funding to implement such as added bike parking or color curb modifications.
  • Conceptual designs for new project improvements that have enough projected benefit and enough community support to move forward to the SFMTA for further development.
  • One or two bold concepts with community interest and potential to significantly improve on community goals, including potential for significant circulation changes and/or vehicle restrictions on commercial corridors (e.g., private vehicle restrictions and/or “transit mall” treatments on Irving Street). These recommendations would require further conceptual design, evaluation, and outreach following this study.

The community outreach approach will include general public engagement at three points in the study process and will include Chinese language translation. 

Project/Study Partners

This project is led by the Transportation Authority, in coordination with SFMTA.

The Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program is intended to strengthen project pipelines and advance the delivery of community supported neighborhood-scale projects, especially in Equity Priority Communities and other neighborhoods with high unmet need.

Timeline and Status

  • Study Area Goals and Needs

  • Community Outreach

  • Concept Development and Analysis

  • Community Outreach

  • Recommendations and Final Report

Cost and Funding 

This project was funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program at the request of District 7 Supervisor and Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar.


Prop L Transportation Sales Tax Funding Request (PDF)



Amy Thomson, Transportation Planner

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