Photo by SFMTA Photography Department
The SFMTA and SF Public Works substantially completed traffic calming improvements to enhance safety for people walking, biking, and driving in the Mission and Bernal Heights neighborhoods this month.
The design and construction of the project were funded with $165,000 in sales tax funds from the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program at the request of Transportation Authority Board Member Hilary Ronen (District 9).
The project installed traffic calming improvements at the following locations:
- Four speed cushions at Folsom Street between 20th and 21st Street
- Two traffic islands at Folsom and 21st Street
- Speed table at Crescent Avenue between Mission and Leese Street
- One raised crosswalk at Crescent Avenue and Murray Street
The locations were recommended by Board Member Ronen's office, for SFMTA consideration. SFMTA staff assesses street conditions and operations as part of its evaluation of traffic calming requests from Board members and the public.