Photo by SFMTA Photography Department
The Transportation Authority Board approved over $2.8 million in half-cent sales tax funds and $3 million in TNC Tax funds to support SFMTA’s Vision Zero Quick-Build Program. This program installs quick-to-deliver reversible and adjustable traffic measures to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety on the Vision Zero High Injury Network. These quick-build measures may include painted safety zones, protected bike lanes, transit boarding islands, parking and loading changes, and more.
The $5.8 million in total funding will support 10 quick-build corridor projects identified at high-need locations. Programmatic spot improvements throughout the city and outreach and evaluation efforts will also be supported by this funding. All corridor projects will be completed on a rolling basis and all are anticipated to be open for use by December 2023:
- Lake Merced Boulevard (Skyline to John Muir)
Design and Construction
- Hyde Street (Market to Geary)
- 17th Street (Potrero to Pennsylvania)
- Oak Street (Shrader to Baker)
- 3rd Street (Bay Trail to Townsend) & Townsend Street (3rd to Embarcadero)
- Alemany Boulevard (Congdon to Ellsworth)
- Lincoln Way (22nd to Arguello)
- Sutter Street (Market to Polk)
- Frida Kahlo/Ocean/Geneva
- Franklin Street (Broadway to Lombard)
During the December 7 Transportation Authority Board meeting, many community members expressed their support for this item including for the 17th Street and Franklin Street quick-build projects.
These projects respond to the pressing need to reduce collisions, particularly involving pedestrians and bicyclists. See SFMTA’s Vision Zero Action Strategy, recently presented at the December 14 Transportation Authority Board meeting.
As part of the quick-build program, SFMTA will evaluate projects by collecting data through tailored evaluation strategies to compare travel behavior before and after installation of quick-build measures. Evaluation results may be used to further refine project designs or be applied to projects at other locations.
To view anticipated quick-build project improvements, see pages 50-54 here (PDF).
At today’s @SFCTA Board Meeting, we approved $385k in funding for a pedestrian safety quick build project on Franklin Street between Broadway and Lombard.
— Supervisor Catherine Stefani (@SupStefani) December 8, 2021
Big news: The Transportation Authority just unanimously approved our funding request for a protected bike lane on Oak along the Panhandle! Thanks to @sfmta_muni @sfcta @sfbike @walksf @VisionZeroSF & all the advocates working with us to improve safety on this high injury corridor
— Dean Preston (@DeanPreston) December 7, 2021