The Bayview Hunters Point Mobility Study focused on improving residents’ access to groceries, health appointments, after-school programs, and other important services.
The study convened a Transportation Working Group comprised of local leaders, representatives from community-based organizations, and a technical team in 2012. After consideration of many options, working group members recommended a vehicle sharing and a volunteer driver program to best serve community needs. The working group developed a Business Plan in 2013, outlining the pilot implementation approach for a van sharing service.
The Transportation Working Group later formed a Community Advisory Board and implemented a van sharing pilot serving Bayview Community Business Organizations. The pilot ended in June 2017 but some of the mobility services have continued under the direction of Bayview Senior Services.
Project/Study Partners
The Transportation Authority led the study, partnering with the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Zone initiative, B-MAGIC, a number of community-based organizations, and UCSF’s SF Health Improvement Partnerships.
Cost and Funding
This study was funded by Caltrans and San Francisco’s Prop K transportation sales tax funds.
Bayview Moves Brochure (PDF)
Final Report and Business Plan, 2013 (PDF) and Appendices (PDF)
Related report: Bayview Hunters Point Neighborhood Transportation Plan, 2010 (PDF)